Pointed ears with a bit of fluff covering the passage. Bubs living in colder climates usually develop these.
The adorable, floppy goat ear.
Floppy ears cannot go lower than the shoulder. For longer ears, see the uncommon trait [Rabbit (Lop)].
Round, slightly flared goat ears. The bubbies with these ears usually look very pensive or shy.
Bubbies can also have canine ears! These bubs are always on high alert. Pointed ears can be curved, but not too round.
Eons ago, Bubbies were originally winged, angelic creatures who watched over many planets. Since then, they have lost their angelic traits as they adapt to their new home. Very rarely, a bubby will be born with angelic traits, such as wings for ears.
It’s rare, but sometimes certain Bubs will love sweets so much that they’ll be born with a candy sigil!
(***Note: This trait can be any candy shape. I.e. candy cane, gum drop, sprinkles, etc.)
Some traits are only discoverable once a baby grows up!
There’ve been rumors that bubbies can have a sigil someplace other than their forehead, but it seems to be an ultra-rare occurrence.
*This trait may be combined with a trait of equal or lesser value, or an additional trait upgrade must be used to combine with a special trait or higher.
Like the diamond, but representing unlocked angelic magic. Only bubbies with other angelic traits may possess them.
Bubbies with direct angelic ancestry will sometimes be born with the mark of angel bubbies: a reddish-pink diamond. Bubbies with all demonic traits can sometimes be found with the diamond sigil, indicating rare blood and potential angelic magic.
***NOTE***: This sigil ONLY comes in reddish pink.
Just like candy sigils, food sigils can be found on bubs who love a particular kind of food!(***Note: This can be any food. I.e. peach, banana, an egg, a slice of toast, etc.)
In place of a sigil, Bubs can possess a glowing spirit-like flame floating slightly above their head. These rare bubs tend to come from the highest mountain peaks, watching over their other bub-rethen from afar.
Ties to the rare heart sigil are currently unknown, but some like to equate it to the good-hearted nature of the bubbies who possess it. Think of it as “wearing a heart on your sleeve”.
O Bubbies are stalwart protectors, both emotionally and physically. These bubbies are keen on reading their friends and never fail to rush to their friends’ aid. Magic tends to come very easily for them: especially in healing forms.O Bubbies can come from any region but prefer pastures with other bubbies or mountains.
Bubbies with the fire sigil are drawn to hot environments, such as volcanos and lava pools. Bubs with attunement to fire magic tend to find it easier to spend time in hotter temperatures, and some can even bathe in firey pools of lava.
X Bubbies are adventurers who are prone to mischief. Magic tends to either overwhelm them or lay completely dormant; either way, they never stop exploring and finding trouble to get into.
X Bubbies can come from any region, but are particularly keen on forests and abandoned human settlements.
Moon bubbies are mysterious creatures who prefer nocturnal life to the daytime. They are often shy and reserved, but open up to those they trust. Moon Bubbies are most commonly found in caves, dark forests, or mountain crags.
Suns represent bubbies who are most active during the day. Sun bubbies are active, playful, and bubbly. Sun bubbies are commonly from the plains, pastures, or any place that would receive a lot of sunlight.
Most commonly represented amongst bubbies is the star sigil! Stars represent the mysterious beyond that all bubbies- “angel” and “demon” alike- came from.
Some bubbies have elemental sigils, representing their attunement to certain elemental magic. Bubs with the Ice attunement usually spend a lot of time in arctic regions, or the cold.