Hey guys! I'm happy to announce our first on-site event, The Summer Melt!!

Normally we host an event every year called The Spring Melt. But due to delays both from eclipse, real life stuff, and site onboarding, the Spring Melt ended up transforming into... the Summer Melt!
(I know summer is technically almost over, but... It's a play on words, okay! The Summer is melting away... Get it? Hahahaha......)
New Prompts
There are two new prompts relating to the event:

( September 4th- October 3rd)
The Summer Melt plot is up on a new page specifically titled "Events"! You can read up on the event to inspire your own Bubby's adventures. There are details on the prompt page on how to participate!
Beelzebaby MYOs are now OPEN!!!!! For this brief event period, you can purchase your very own Beelzebaby MYO! Details are on the prompt page.
New Shop
(artwork by Phoenix)
The Roving Merchant is BACK! They're here to trade any tickets (including ones you may have from last year) for various items!
To earn tickets, all you need to do is participate in the Summer Melt prompt before the end date!
Bubby of the Month Feature
....And finally, we have a brand new feature: Bubby of the Month!
Each month, a Bubby will be chosen by the staff to be featured! The owner of the Bubby will receive an award (...after our awards are re-added to the site of course) and any art created of them during the month they're featured will earn double coal!!
This month's featured Bubby is...

Congratulations Monte!!!
To earn double coal for drawing this Bubby, submit to the "Bubby of the Month" prompt on the monthly prompt page!
...That's all for now, folks! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out on the discord!