Bubbies Grand Re-Opening!
Posted 3 years ago by tgiGrand Re-Opening!!
Howdy y'all! OMG! It's been so long!!!! Welcome back to Bubbies!
The pandemic threw us into a crazy whirlwind of uncertainty, which made us (us as in Rigby & TJ) have to re-evaluate how we run Bubbies to make it work better for us, and give our staff a better quality of life. I (TJ) spent most of the hiatus fixing broken features on the site, cleaning up some cobwebby corners, and making things overall more functional. Please keep in mind that this site is still a work-in-progress, and you are more than likely to find random bugs here and there.
That being said, if you haven't already, please join our discord!! If you encounter any bugs, have suggestions, etc, the best place to report them is there!
Anyways... On to the fun stuff... Updates!
Grand Reopening Fall Adoptables!
It wouldn't be a re-opening without an adopt set!! Featuring adopts by both Staff AND three guest artists!
Check out the sales post here!
Event: Bubby-Tober Prompts
Did you really think we were gonna let Halloween just slip on by?! Of course not! We're bringing in Halloween with a prompt list!
But this isn't any regular old prompt list... Oh no. Completing the prompts on this list will earn you special prizes! For the very first prompt you submit, you will receive a very special, limited edition friend:
(in a random one of the above colors!)
After that, for each prompt you submit, you'll receive a random Snackbag!
(If you remember Lunarfest 2019, you remember these gift bags... But they've been UPGRADED!)
Upon opening these bags, you'll either get a sneak (a trick) or a snack (a treat)... a rare or lower tiered item from the general store, or a very rare coin piece that may or may not allow you to create a very special MYO at a future event...
"Wait, who, what? Me?"
In addition to a snackbag, you'll receive double the coal you would normally receive from submitting to the gallery!
- Each "prompt" illustration entry requires at least one half-body (or more) Bubby.
- Each "prompt" narrative writing requires at least 250 words. Each poetry piece must be at least 10-15 words.
- The Prompt closes on November 27th 2021 at midnight Puraton time (EST). You must submit on or before then to qualify for prizes.
- In order to receive prizes, submit your work to the Bubby-Tober Prompts 2021 gallery folder before the deadline.
Submit your Bubby-Tober Prompts here!
New Feature: Galleries!
That's right, you can now upload your Bubby-related art to our very own online Gallery! As of right now, you may upload any art that you have not already submitted for a previous Bubbi.es hosted event to the "Bubby Art" folder for coal!
Please be aware that bugs may arise as you use this feature! If you encounter anything weird, please report it in the discord as soon as possible!
In the next coming days, staff will be working through the Backlog of both regular coal submissions and Summer Melt entries and awarding prizes as needed. We'll make a separate announcement when we have the awards ready for those!
New Guides: The Alchemy Shop & COal!
Long overdue is a comprehensive guide to how Coal AND using alchemy works. You can check them both out here:
Coal Guide & Alchemy Shop Guide
Now finally, I wanna thank the entire Bubbies community for being so patient and awesome! Without the people who participate, even the littlest bit, Bubbies wouldn't be possible. So seriously, thank you all for everything!
If you ever have any suggestions or ideas for new features, or even just a concept you think "might be neat", never be afraid to share it with the community in the Discord! We'd love to hear it!
Happy week Bubbaronis, and enjoy!